Some might think it unfathomable to be considering ways to become wealthy in the midst of a recession, but there is never a bad time to try to leverage your talents and resources in an effort to boost your net worth.
Even in the face of market volatility, and even if you don't foresee a salary…
As children, your motivation is dangled in front of you by your parents.
Either you got something of desire if you complied, or perhaps you faced punishment if you did not do as you were asked.
Of course, your motivation for getting up and going to work every day is at…
Do you feel like your life is stuck?
When you find yourself discontent with everyday life, or you have a nagging feeling that you need a change, you're probably in a rut. Ruts are not uncommon. So many of us find ourselves stuck in a job we don't like, living repeated patterns of frustration and stress,…
Many of us are either economically pinched or struggling to justify additional purchases out of fear of spending our precious reserves. While this seems sensible, not investing in ourselves or our lives could be hurting us.
Using our resources to continue to thrash around in a life fraught with endless debts and expenses and a job…
A Clarity Mind state is where one resides completely and unequivocally in the present moment.
It isn't really a state but a way of being in presence.
Life flows from moment to moment effortlessly and easily.
In a Clarity Mind state one is able to tap into the infinite part of oneself that simply knows what to do…
Time is the real wealth. Lately, I've been taking more time to do things that bring me joy. Playing the guitar, spending time in nature and longer periods of mindfulness meditation.
Taking time for yourself seems idyllic and unrealistic to many of us. With many people taking on an abundance of responsibility and struggling to make…
Love is the continual, inexorable, evolutionary progression toward reunion with the Godhead.
With God’s out-breath came the Big Bang. Along with the creation of countless divine sparks of individualized units of pure consciousness, the out flowing of Her Love began.
This Divine Will and expansion still roars through the universe in the form of Divine Light and…
It’s a brand new day, a new start – where do you begin? The place to start is where you are right now.
It’s easy to feel lost and confused when you expect a clear master plan to unfold. In actuality, the master plan does exist, with every small step you take. The actions you take…
Ken in mindfulness meditation 1980
I've been contemplating my eyelids for over 30 years. It's been a marvelous journey. The simple act of closing my eyes and emptying the mind has been completely life-transforming. While the benefits of mindfulness meditation are truly astounding, there are certain pitfalls to be aware of.
1 - Meditation as Escape
Meditation can…
There’s a revolution going on.
Amy and I just got home from a 4 day Conscious Growth Workshop in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas is somewhat of an incongruous place for conscious growth, but conscious growth can be realized no matter where you are. It was an intense period discovering one’s alignment with respect to Truth,…
I used to think way too much. I would continually ask myself questions over and over again and ponder deeply in a confused miasma of circular thinking. I was addicted to it. My wife would tease me, “Be careful -- your head might explode!”
The mind is designed to generate thought, but sometimes we get into…
Ask any neuroscientist - our brains generate electricity. Changes in the brain’s electrical impulses can be consciously self-generated. This is called operant conditioning.
When we choose to alter our thinking, we alter cortical rhythms as well as the brain’s structure. In essence, we become our attention.
If you want to do or have something different, you…