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Ken LaDeroute

Ken LaDeroute is a certified professional mindset coach, meditation teacher, former pro musician and founder of Clarity Mind Institute. Ken helps stressed-out creative entrepreneurs overcome overthinking and reset their mindset to a calm, clear, and focused mindset so they can make better decisions, do their best work, optimize emotional management, and live a simplified life without continually running past the finish line.

187 articles published
Boost Your Creativity with Whole Brain Thinking Mindfulness

Boost Your Creativity with Whole Brain Thinking and Mindfulness

Today, I want to dive into a fascinating topic: how mindfulness and meditation can boost your creativity. It's something I've experienced firsthand, and I believe it can help you too. What is Creativity? Let's start with a simple question: what is creativity? Steve Jobs once said that creativity is about connecting different ideas to create…

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Wake up call light sun stars

Reality Check: Your Wake-Up Call Has Arrived -Live Life to the Fullest

Today, I wanted to chat about something super important: living life to the fullest. You know, striking that balance between being intentional about how we live and just going with the flow. Ever heard of the saying "Memento Mori"? It's Latin for "remember that you shall die." Now, I know it sounds a bit…

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Clarity Mind

From Fear to Awakened Mind in 3 Easy Steps: Ken’s Story

As a creative entrepreneur, the journey to success is often paved with stress, anxiety, and a constant barrage of thoughts vying for your attention. Your mind becomes a whirlwind of ideas, deadlines, and self-doubts, obscuring the clarity and focus you need to thrive. But what if I told you that amidst this mental chaos lies…

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stressed woman creative surreal light artificial intelligence indecision anxious overt thinking light fear

How to Stop Overthinking: Creative Strategies for Mental Clarity in a World of Infobesity

I was fed up with overthinking. The constant swirl of thoughts, the never-ending mental chatter – it was like being trapped in a maze with no exit. Once upon a time, you might have known me from my days on the road, rocking out on my guitar and living a simple life. But times have…

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feel your feelings mindset

How Facing Your Fears Became My Superpower: Breaking Free from the Shackles of Unconscious Emotions

Let me share a story about a journey into the heart of emotions—a wild ride of feeling your feelings—and how I found freedom amidst turbulence. Picture a world where problems cease to exist. Well, buckle up because today, we're diving deep into the realm of mindfulness, self-discovery, and facing your fears. Feelings are like the…

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Embracing Imperfection: A Mindful Approach to Overcoming Perfectionism in Creative Endeavors

In 2008, I embarked on a creative journey, intertwining my roles as a long-time meditator and a musician and songwriter. This venture resulted in the creation of a CD project titled "Soul Affirmation: Music for Better Outcomes," a fusion of music and affirmations. Beyond its musical dimension, I envisioned this project as a new genre,…

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Creative Entrepreneur Burnout

How to Banish Burnout: A Personal Story and Practical Tips for Stress-Free Living

In the realm of creative entrepreneurship, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and unforeseen obstacles. As a former musician turned business owner, I embarked on a journey seeking independence, the power to make my own decisions, and the promise of financial freedom. Little did I know that my pursuit of a…

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From Chaos to Clarity: Nicki’s Journey of Rediscovery

In the bustling city of creativity and entrepreneurship, Nicki found herself caught in the perpetual whirlwind of her own making. As a dedicated creative entrepreneur, she was constantly immersed in the details of her work, sprinting tirelessly toward goals, deadlines, and an ever-elusive finish line. The once-vibrant vision that fueled her passion had become obscured…

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