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Ken LaDeroute

Ken LaDeroute is a certified professional mindset coach, meditation teacher, former pro musician and founder of Clarity Mind Institute. Ken helps stressed-out creative entrepreneurs overcome overthinking and reset their mindset to a calm, clear, and focused mindset so they can make better decisions, do their best work, optimize emotional management, and live a simplified life without continually running past the finish line.

187 articles published
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How Positive Self Talk Elevates Your Mental Well Being: Harness 3 Superpowers for Lasting Happiness

Have you ever noticed that the stories you tell yourself about yourself can have a big impact on how happy you feel? It's true! The way you think about yourself and your experiences can really influence your mood and overall happiness levels.  So, let's dive in and uncover how embracing the superpowers of non-duality, mindfulness…

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How Your Thoughts Hijack Your Happiness 1

How Your Thoughts Hijack Your Happiness: Use “THIS” Simple Mindset Shift

I love personal development and I'm always exploring new ways to understand the nature of our minds and emotions. Today, I want to share an exciting mindset shift that transformed my own perspective and might just do the same for you. As a mindset coach and mindfulness teacher, I'm always on the lookout for fresh…

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