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Ken LaDeroute

Ken LaDeroute is a certified professional mindset coach, meditation teacher, former pro musician and founder of Clarity Mind Institute. Ken helps stressed-out creative entrepreneurs overcome overthinking and reset their mindset to a calm, clear, and focused mindset so they can make better decisions, do their best work, optimize emotional management, and live a simplified life without continually running past the finish line.

187 articles published


Just the sound of the word can send chills up your spine. Stripped-down. Uncovered. Nude. Are your hands starting to get sweaty? Can you feel your heartbeat quicken? Does the word naked make you squirm? I don't know why it's such a big deal, after all we were all born naked. Humans only started wearing clothes about…

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Successful Relationships

The success of any relationship depends entirely upon a couple's ability to weather through inevitable life transitions. Problems in a relationship can range from the relatively benign flaws in communication to serious pain and trust violations due to such acts as infidelity. Outlined below are several characteristics of successful relationships. These qualities are integral parts of a healthy…

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