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4 Secret Tips for Living In the Moment

If your sense of peace and contentment comes from what you own, or what goals

Mastering Mindfulness: Letting Whatever Happens Be Okay

Mastering Mindfulness: Letting Whatever Happens Be Okay

In the lyrics for my song, “I Choose Forgiveness,” I wrote, “I accept life the

Mindfulness: A New Way to Live and Do Business

Mindfulness: A New Way to Live and Do Business

I’ve found a new way to live and do business. It’s taken me over 30

The Truth About Why Mindfulness Meditation Will Rock Your World

The Truth About Why Mindfulness Meditation Will Rock Your World

I have been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 30 years. I started in 1979 when

Dancing in the Moment

Dancing in the Moment

While sitting in mindfulness meditation today I heard a large tree branch come crashing to

Under Think It

Under Think It

When I got into mindfulness meditation 35 years ago, I was looking for a way

A Positive Mindset To Increase Your Happiness by 100%

A Positive Mindset To Increase Your Happiness by 100%

Long-time mindfulness meditators simply see. They assign very little meaning to reality. After taking their spiritual

What to Do When Your Life Sucks

What to Do When Your Life Sucks

The other day I asked my wife, “Do you think I’m a doofus?” “What’s a

How to Begin With the End In Mind

How to Begin With the End In Mind

The mind is a great big dream machine. It gushes creativity and mind-stuff. Sometimes too

The Art of Being the Silent Witness

The Art of Being the Silent Witness

I’ve been busy with all kinds of activities lately. I volunteered to be the head

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