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Baba Nam Kevalam

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I hope you enjoy this audio track and watch out for more guided mindfulness meditations and mindfulness meditations products coming soon!

All Is Well,

Ken Signature Web

P.S. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to meditate, this is your lucky day. I have just published, “Meditation For Beginners” available on Amazon/Kindle.

Meditation For Beginners

Meditation for Beginners offers an easy step by step guide that teaches you how to do mindfulness meditation so you can relax your body quickly and easily, improve mental focus and reduce stress for lasting inner peace and happiness.

This book teaches you practical exercises so you can learn how to meditate at home, at the office or on the road.

Meditation for Beginners describes the many psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits that a beginner can derive from simply learning how to meditate.

Click Here to Get It