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Creative Entrepreneur Burnout

How to Banish Burnout: A Personal Story and Practical Tips for Stress-Free Living

In the realm of creative entrepreneurship, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and unforeseen obstacles. As a former musician turned business owner, I embarked on a journey seeking independence, the power to make my own decisions, and the promise of financial freedom. Little did I know that my pursuit of a…

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From Chaos to Clarity: Nicki’s Journey of Rediscovery

In the bustling city of creativity and entrepreneurship, Nicki found herself caught in the perpetual whirlwind of her own making. As a dedicated creative entrepreneur, she was constantly immersed in the details of her work, sprinting tirelessly toward goals, deadlines, and an ever-elusive finish line. The once-vibrant vision that fueled her passion had become obscured…

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Radical Acceptance: The Rebel’s Guide to Finding Zen

As I get older, I've come to realize that life is filled with inevitable losses. We all must face the passing of time, the changes in our health, the fading of youth, and the loss of dear friends. These thoughts used to make me anxious, but then I stumbled upon the idea of Radical Acceptance,…

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How Positive Self Talk Elevates Your Mental Well Being: Harness 3 Superpowers for Lasting Happiness

Have you ever noticed that the stories you tell yourself about yourself can have a big impact on how happy you feel? It's true! The way you think about yourself and your experiences can really influence your mood and overall happiness levels.  So, let's dive in and uncover how embracing the superpowers of non-duality, mindfulness…

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