Master Your Attention
Everyday you wake up to an endless stream of information. I call it: INFOBESITY
Emails, texts, tweets, voice mails, sales pitches, videos and podcasts all vying for your precious time and attention.
In this historic time
We are faced with 4 big problems:
And it’s getting louder and coming at you faster everyday. Our attention is valuable. So why do we give it away so carelessly? Like a slowly boiling frog, we fail to notice that distractions pile up and prevent us from doing the important work in our life and business. Digital distractions like emails and texts from your clients, team and family just keep piling up. And your attention span is getting shorter by the second. Wait… let me go check my inbox.
The increased speed of life and ever changing landscape of life business can quickly lead to burnout and stress. And it’s getting harder and harder to find the silence and solitude you desperately need in order to self-reflect, think clearly, make decisions and do the important tasks in your life and work.
Good decision-making requires focus, right? How many times a day do you check social media and your email? How do you find focus when your mind is addicted to the habit of distraction?
With distraction comes reaction. If there’s a problem, you react. You get an email, you react. You get a call from a family member, you react. In reaction mode you are not thinking clearly and you most certainly are not in the flow state. At the end of your day you realize that you did many little things that really didn’t add up to the important work you need to do in your life and business.
What if you could tune out
the noise and turn down the volume?
- What if you took the time to breathe deeply?
- What if you could optimize your brain for better functionality?
- What if you could re-boot and reset your brain back to a default state?
- Wouldn’t you love to regain control over the flow of your work day?
- Wouldn’t you love to have the presence and clarity of mind to do the meaningful tasks that contribute to a fulfilling and successful life?
- What if you could find time to get balanced, refreshed and rejuvenated?

The Secret Weapon to Optimize your Life & Work
- Oprah is doing it.
- So is Sergey Brin at Google.
- Steve Jobs did it.
- It’s taking the world by storm.
It’s the new “secret-success weapon” that Westerners are adopting on their journey toward professional and personal excellence. This secret weapon has been used for centuries by the most creative, intelligent and successful people in history. It is a tool that will lead you toward success in your life and business by allowing you to focus and avoid distractions. The good news is that this practice is not difficult, it is not time consuming and it is simple.
This secret weapon is MINDFULNESS MEDITATION
What if you had access to a mindfulness meditation teacher …
To help you deepen self-awareness, focus, manage stress, information overwhelm, distraction, and boost mental capacity to be more creative, effective, and productive so you can enjoy a more fulfilling life and optimize business success. To develop a personal mindfulness practice to deepen self-awareness, poise and presence. To manage stress and anxiety due to information overwhelm, endless distractions, being under pressure and always on. To develop inner strength and resiliency to remain calm under pressure to better manage continual disruption and complexity. To improve your clarity and focus To work smarter not harder, where you don’t just get more things done – you get the right things done To boost your mental capacity, cut through the clutter of distraction so you can be more engaged, creative, effective and productive To achieve business results – make better decisions that affect your bottom line To develop emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion To develop self awareness, discover your values, strengths and weaknesses, eliminate limiting beliefs, and mindsets
A Day in the Life after Mindfulness Meditation practice …
As you go about your day you notice something new. You notice yourself dwelling less on the past or obsessing over the future.
You find yourself more focused and present. You notice yourself to be more calm, centered and conscious of what is going on inside you. The same emails and digital distractions still come at you but you’re able to sift through the clutter with greater ease and efficiency. You seem to do everything with a quiet self assurance and detachment. You notice your mind is clear and you’re better able to see with discernment. You find it easier to make better business decisions. You’re more efficient and productive and you get more done in less time where Being and Doing become one. When you sit down to do important creative work everything flows. You surrender to the work and fresh insights and ideas arise naturally and effortlessly. You see new opportunities and perspectives for your life and business. You listen better and you’re more present with your family and clients. You realize you’ve found a new way of being and doing. In this balanced state you live from a place of gratitude, appreciation and happiness.
So, What Is Mindfulness Meditation and Why Is It So Powerful?
Meditation is simply a practice to quiet your mind. It is used for deep relaxation, to bring about personal change, or to attain higher states of awareness.
Mindfulness is being used as a success tool, as many believe that it helps to unleash the incredible power of your brain. By slowing down your brain waves to the alpha and theta state, meditation helps you to enter your more creative, right brain. This is where many artists such as Sting and Madonna claim they access their “inner genius”.
Mindfulness is the new “Secret Weapon” used by elite athletes, technological innovators, successful entrepreneurs, and social change agents.
A note from Ken LaDeroute on How Meditation Has Changed his Life.
I have been practicing meditation for over 40 years. I started in 1979 when I discovered that meditation was a way to deal with anxiety. Since then, the simple act of closing my eyes and emptying my mind has completely transformed my life! Not only has it helped me reduce fear and negative thinking, it cleared away many of the limiting beliefs and feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem that prevented me from achieving the happiness and success I saw for myself. Meditation awakened my creativity and inspiration. I became more focused and my thinking processes became more coherent. I began to realize that I could do anything I set my mind to and that I could face any challenge. Meditation was instrumental in helping me become successful in business, real estate, audio engineering, song writing, teaching, public speaking, coaching and my 40-year successful relationship with my wife.
Meditation is the art of silencing the mind. When the mind is silent, concentration is increased and you can experience inner peace in the midst of worldly turmoil. This elusive inner peace is what attracts so many people to meditation and is a quality everyone can benefit from. When I look at the research and the sheer weight of all the benefits that one can realize through the simple act of being still and quieting the mind- it becomes clear that it’s almost foolish not to meditate.
Success Stories
I own a technology company with 14 employees that has constant deadlines and stress that just comes along with the job. I knew Ken could help!Over a couple month period Ken led us though mindfulness meditation. Even from the first session, I was so impressed at the calm and quiet I experienced. What a great way to start the day, as well as learning some valuable mindfulness techniques that could be practiced at our desks during the day.
I would highly recommend Ken LaDeroute!” ~ Micheal Fuchs, CEO & President, Data Bridge Corporation, Asheville, North Carolina “In my field as a public interest environmental lawyer, there is no shortage of deadlines, urgent issues or other stress-inducing situations. And as someone who is especially susceptible to stress and anxiety, I’ve long felt meditation could be beneficial but also was intimidated and hesitant to learn the practice on my own. Recently, I was fortunate to attend a 7-week Mindfulness and Meditation series that Ken put on at the public library. Ken was so charismatic and used such simple, straightforward techniques that made the introduction to meditation approachable and seamless. With great thanks to his clear guidance, I feel I now have a foundation and some of the basic tools to continue to learn and improve upon the practice. I highly recommend Ken as a coach for practitioners at any level!”
~ Jessie A. White, Staff Attorney, S.C. Environmental Law Project, Georgetown, South Carolina.
“It is rare that I give myself the gift of being in the present moment. But when I attend one of Ken’s meditation classes he brings me to the present moment quickly and effortlessly. With a warm, friendly manner he gently guides me into deep relaxation and mindfulness. I always walk away feeling calm, centered and recharged.The effects of meditation are cumulative and seem to spill over into my week. I notice a difference in my state of mind. I’m less attached to things that used to cause me tension and I find my hectic life to be more manageable and less overwhelming. I always feel better after having attended Ken’s meditation class. Practicing meditation has made a huge difference in my career and personal life.”
~ Leigh Mitchell, Photography Instructor, Asheville, North Carolina
“Ken’s meditation classes are so valuable in my life. As he guides us into mindful meditation I find his voice so soothing and reassuring. It’s almost as if you can hear his 40 years of meditation practice coming through in his voice. He has a great way of telling stories and applying the lessons in his teachings. He shares practical insights and wisdom I can take with me throughout my work day. He helps me remember to be mindful and stay in the present moment. This simple idea has helped me reduce stress, focus better, worry less and stay happy.” ~ Kim Tzakos, Information Technologies Coordinator, Asheville, North Carolina “I always feel so much peace around Ken. He completely embodies the whole practice of mindfulness meditation.” ~ Monica Kenton, CEO & President, Monica, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Join Ken for a FREE Live Zoom Meditation Every Sunday morning.
Register for FREE weekly guided meditate and talk with a 40 year meditation master every Sunday at 10:00 AM, EST. Learn how to quiet your mind, breathe deeply, optimize your health, sleep better and lower stress and anxiety